Project Features

GDP, together with KMD, began to address these issues about a year ago in a joint Education/Employment Workgroup to find solutions and design a path in order to create standardized education and publicity for the industry as a way to raise awareness for the employment opportunities. Our “Enhancement of Skills in Retail” Project numbered 2014-1-TR-KA202-013308 has been accepted within the framework of Erasmus+ Program during 2014 request for proposal term. Within the framework of the Strategic Partnership Grant Program, our Project which has received grant from the Turkish National Agency for a period of 2 years under the coordination of the Food Retailers Association will be completed in August 2016.

There held frequent workshops and meetings where brainstorming and planning was done by vocational education and human resources professionals of leading sector companies where the following conclusions were assessed;

Expected Results of the Project

Why is this Project Innovative

Developing a system which will ease the mobility, facilitate higher employability and increase the training quality with effectiveness and standardization is a critical step on the way of development in general. The average length of trainings will be increased while a standardized quality of vocational training is guaranteed.

The improvement of retail training in Turkey altogether, through adaptation of leading European standards and training methodology according to the needs of Turkey retail sector will be innovative. Additionally, the accessibility of the vocational education courses will be increased explicitly with the correct infrastructure that will be set up during the project. Neither accessible, quality vocational training in the field is currently not available in Turkey nor is recognized certification.

The distance learning opportunity is yet to be created as a vocational education tool for retail complemented by test and valid professional certification. Our organizations considers distance learning with solid outcome an advantage for all who wants to educate themselves as well as to enter the workforce in the retail sector. The personalization of the training is also an advantage while schedules are adapted for specific needs and performances.